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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thigh Lift to Improve the Lower Body Contour

Fat tends to accumulate in the thighs making the legs look enormous. Even sudden weight loss doesn't help much as this leaves the skin looking saggy and loose. Thigh lift to improve the lower body contour is a procedure that takes care of both the situations and gets rids of excess fat while tightening the drooping skin.

Are You a Good Candidate for a Thigh Lift?

An experienced plastic surgeon will be able to evaluate if you are a good candidate for this procedure. You may be the right candidate if you are in good physical and mental health with stubborn fat deposits in your upper thighs. A thigh lift even works well if you have lost weight and the skin has become loose and has started to sag. Loose skin that is the result of aging can also be tightened effectively. This procedure ensures an improved body contour.

Thigh lift - the Actual Procedure

This surgical procedure is done under general anesthesia as more extensive surgery is required. Liposuction may be used to remove the excess fat with minimum trauma and invasiveness. The surgeon makes incisions in the bikini line above the thigh. Through these the extra flab is removed and the muscles are tightened. Then the skin is pulled up, the extra skin trimmed and sutures used to close the incisions after proper skin repositioning. For better contouring, an incision may be made along the inner thigh. A compression garments are used after surgery for better tightening results and to reduce swelling. Restricted activities may be advised for the first few days after surgery.

Thigh lift procedure to improve the lower body contour not only helps to achieve shapely legs but also helps to contour the buttocks. A thigh lift should be done by an experienced surgeon as it is slightly complicated. A skilled surgeon will be able to achieve better contours for the lower body.

Thigh lift is an aesthetic surgical procedure resorted to, to improve the appearance of the thighs. bodySCULPT® is a leading plastic surgery practice,located in Manhattan, provides an extensive array of cosmetic solutions which include facelift, rhinoplasty, liposuction and more.

Liposuction Recovery Questions

Liposuction, or the surgical removal of unwanted deposits of fat, is a fairly common, low-risk cosmetic procedure. Patients who have gotten to a healthy body weight but are still struggling with unwanted bulges can benefit from this surgical procedure. If you are considering it, take some time to learn the answers to these common questions.

How long will I stay at the hospital?

For most patients, local anesthesia is all that is necessary for liposuction. As such, they can leave the hospital or surgical center soon after the procedure is done. However, if it requires general anesthesia, then the patient will need to stay in the hospital for several hours for observation to ensure the effects of the anesthesia are gone.

When will I see results?

Like most cosmetic procedures, the results of your surgery will not be completely visible for several weeks or months after the procedure. Much of what dictates how long it will take depends on the surgical techniques used and the extent of the surgery. If your doctor uses open drainage to allow fluid to drain through open incisions, you can see your results in about four weeks. For traditional procedures that include closed incisions, you may find that you are swollen for up to 10 weeks.

What type of pain will I experience?

Each patient's level of pain is going to be different. This depends on your pain tolerance, the aggressiveness of the liposuction, and even the area of the body that was treated. You should expect some pain after the anesthetic wears off. Your doctor will prescribe pain medication. Ice packs can also help, and ice will also lessen any swelling that occurs.

What kind of complications could I experience?

While liposuction is considered a low-risk surgical procedure, you may experience complications. One of the more common ones problems associated with this surgery is seromas. These are pockets of fluid that fill a cavity inside the body. This is typically not dangerous, and it will eventually resolve itself. You can also have the fluid removed by your surgeon. This is rare if the surgeon employs the open drainage technique.

How can I prepare for recovery?

Set up an area inside your home where you can rest after your procedure. Place reading material, TV remotes, pillows, blankets and prepackaged snacks in the area, and give yourself a comfy chair to rest in. a recliner is an excellent idea, because you can lay back and sleep if you want. Arrange to have your prescriptions filled prior to the procedure so you do not have to worry about this during the recovery time. Find someone who can help you get settled in your recovery area if you live by yourself. You will most likely need someone to drive you home after the procedure, so consider asking that person to stay with you until you are comfortable to ensure your needs are met.

Remember, liposuction is a major surgery, and you will need to give yourself time to rest and recuperate. Even though the outward scarring is minimal, you are changing your inner tissue significantly, and you will need to let your body heal.

When looking for liposuction New York City residents want someone that is great at what they do. Find the right surgeon for you by visiting the following website: