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Friday, December 25, 2009

Successful Rhinoplasty - Getting the Best Nose Job

Successful Rhinoplasty - Getting the Best Nose JobAuthor: Leonard Dawson

If you're considering rhinoplasty - a nose job - you're probably at least a little nervous about it. After all, your nose is front and center of your face, and if you're going to have your nose beautified, you want your surgeon to have a similar idea of what a "good" nose for your face is. When consulting with any prospective rhinoplasty surgeon, you should be able to explain what you consider your "ideal" appearance to the doctor. Pictures cut from magazines or printed from online can help with this. Your surgeon should carefully examine your nose and explain what can and cannot be done.

During the consultation, you have the opportunity to learn about the surgeon's track record, credentials, and qualifications. You should ask how often he or she performs nasal procedures, what boards he or she is certified by, and how often patients require revision rhinoplasty, which is correction of any unplanned problems with the original rhinoplasty. Take on the general "vibe" of the facility, and note whether you feel comfortable talking to the surgeon and staff. Do they rush you through, reassuring you quickly about every concern you bring up without discussing them? Do they take your questions seriously? Is the facility clean, comfortable, and inviting, or does it feel more like a nose job factory? If you have doubts, you at least owe it to yourself to consult with a second and even third surgeon.

In the week leading up to your rhinoplasty surgery, make sure you avoid aspirin, because it thins the blood and will make post-op bleeding more likely. You can, however, take multivitimins that contain vitamins C, E, and iron. If you should happen to develop a cold or upper respiratory problem, you should notify your surgeon and ask if the surgery should be rescheduled. Make sure that you have all you need for recovery in terms of medications, transportation, companionship, and household help. It's far easier to do this before the surgery than after.

On the day before surgery, make sure you have cold compresses at the ready to reduce swelling. Some people use frozen bags of peas because they can more easily conform to the shape of a nose. Stock up on easy to prepare, easy to digest foods for your recovery period, including things like crackers, soups, and juices. Follow your surgeon's instructions on when to halt your food and drink intake before surgery, and try to get a good night's sleep the night before so that you're rested and ready.

After your rhinoplasty surgery, you'll have a splint on your nose and you may have gauze packed inside your nose. You may be given a short course of antibiotics and possibly steroids after surgery to help minimize chances for infection and swelling. You'll be instructed to use cold compresses to minimize bruising and discomfort. You will have to avoid vigorous activity for four weeks after surgery and avoid risk of injury. If you wear glasses, you'll need to put tape on the bridge to avoid putting stress on your nose.

Besides choosing the best surgeon you can find, following pre-op and post-op instructions and having help in the days immediately after the surgery will help ensure the best possible results from your cosmetic surgery.

About the Author:

Leonard Dawson is a freelance article writer who writes for Cosmetic Surgery Guru about current issues, technology and news within the cosmetic surgery market.

Article Source: - Successful R

in reference to: Successful Rhinoplasty - Getting the Best Nose Job (view on Google Sidewiki)

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